Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Student Riots in the UK!!


So as I write this late on the evening of 24th November it makes me feel good to see pictures on good ol' BBC news (online) that show that actually there is a rousing sentiment of discontent and general "pissed-offness" amongst the students - and they're well prepared to show it!! Well thank fuck for that!!!!! Whilst I feel the governments plans to massively raise student fees is a general attack on education and of the magnitude that has not been seen for a loooong time - and it is FAR FROM GOOD, perhaps however, this will be the shake-up we need in Britain to wake people up!! yep, long over due. Student or no student PEOPLE GET VOCAL about what is going on a realise that this is yet another in a long line of measures & goverment actions that seek to erode the independence of people in this country and further enslave them to a system which DOES NOT HAVE THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE AT HEART - indeed, how could it. The modern day capatalist system was never designed to serve the people in the first place only to control and contain them.
Power to the people - power to the students - power the 21st century uprising!!

CHECK HERE if you haven't already been watch da news,

We the People vote with you!
Peyoti for President

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