Sunday, 28 November 2010

The Propaganda system at work

Hey Peyotitos,

So, lets start to discover how everyday our minds are subtly malipulated by the multi-billion dollar propaganda industy. Watch this. What we are dealing with is a 'war of the minds' - of course. Big thanks to those at UK's 'We Are Change' for bringing this film to our attention.

With this film, Psywar exposes the propaganda system, providing crucial background and insight into the control of information and thought. Its crucial watching material for anyone who is curious as to what the hell is going on and where it originates from. Truly amazing and eye opening - watch it.

Watch this film HERE

" There are but 2 kinds of power in the word. The sword....and the mind. In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the mind." Napoleon Bonaparte

 Peace and love people

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Student Riots in the UK!!


So as I write this late on the evening of 24th November it makes me feel good to see pictures on good ol' BBC news (online) that show that actually there is a rousing sentiment of discontent and general "pissed-offness" amongst the students - and they're well prepared to show it!! Well thank fuck for that!!!!! Whilst I feel the governments plans to massively raise student fees is a general attack on education and of the magnitude that has not been seen for a loooong time - and it is FAR FROM GOOD, perhaps however, this will be the shake-up we need in Britain to wake people up!! yep, long over due. Student or no student PEOPLE GET VOCAL about what is going on a realise that this is yet another in a long line of measures & goverment actions that seek to erode the independence of people in this country and further enslave them to a system which DOES NOT HAVE THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE AT HEART - indeed, how could it. The modern day capatalist system was never designed to serve the people in the first place only to control and contain them.
Power to the people - power to the students - power the 21st century uprising!!

CHECK HERE if you haven't already been watch da news,

We the People vote with you!
Peyoti for President